«Economy and Colonialism» - Free Essay Paper

Economy and Colonialism

Complex societies such as the chiefdom are usually perfectly structured. They are predominantly distinguished from other societies by the presence of centers which organize socioeconomic and religious activities. The chief, or the fulltime leader, has the real authority to make important resolutions for their societies. Buganda and Bunyoro of Uganda in Africa, are good examples. They practiced the redistributive economy system, where goods and labor are accrued by the chief at a specific place, then, redistributed into the entire society. The chief controls the market structure as well as the political and religious beliefs of the people. This creates a monumental governance structure, where people always observe the powers of the clan leader (King, 1990).

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Egalitarian societies such as tribes have a tendency to think in definite ways. They tend to make assumptions that humans are part of nature itself, and thus, world is made of dualities that defines an agreement (Mander & Goldsmith, 1996). These beliefs prompt them to adopt a free market system which supports equality of opportunity. This economic structure negatively impedes the development of monumental architectural governance in these egalitarianism societies.

These societies confirm that colonialism is still in practice. For instance, in both egalitarian and tribal societies, leadership is influenced by means of tribal consolidation (Mander & Goldsmith, 1996). There are no political offices including real power. Different people in different places therefore, are made to follow unconditional rules.

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The poor people, as a result, suffer from negative effects of these markets system such as slowed economic development as well as discriminative form of governance. However, they have a potential to benefit from the equal distribution of resources from their leaders (King, 1990).

The poor people, indigenous community and low income earners can only adopt the theory of liberal market structure that embraces capitalism. This system has minimal interruptions from traditional system of governance, and allows everyone to participate in the development.

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